"If I only knew how to...I'd be happy."
Everyone is busy nowadays.  So many business people have told me that they are looking for concise, accurate yet simple answers.  They are tired of wading through page after page of text to find the one sentence that answers their question.  In other words, when they ask "What time is it?" they don't want to read a manual telling them how to build a clock.
I am constantly looking for simple answers to the most common business questions.  Most questions come in the form of "How do I ...."   So most of my answers are printed as "How to..."
Popular questions:
"How can I get rich quick?"      Honest answer (no charge)  "You can't!"
      But there are ways to make $500 cash this weekend or
      create a profitable online business in your spare time

"How can I get my website to show up on a GOOGLE search?"

"Where can I get a unique gift for my boss, best customer, favorite vendor, etc.?"

"I have a unique product that I would like to sell on the Internet.  How do I start?"

"We have a very high employee turnover rate, exit interviews show that they don't feel appreciated,
        what can I do?"

"My boss is busy and travels alot; he takes forever to approve my projects so I am always behind schedule.  What can I do?"


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